Bloodstain Pattern Analysis: Another Subjective “Science” Convicting Innocent People

Bloodstain-pattern analysis (BPA) is the analysis of blood stains, used in criminal investigations, providing information based on the size and shape of the stain. The bloodstains are interpreted by analysts to determine the distance and speed the blood traveled, the force used, the type of injury (and whether the blood was from a vein or an artery), the position of the body when the injury occurred, and any subsequent movements. However, this so-called “science” has proved to be problematic in criminal legal spaces.

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Two of this year's Pro Bono Champion Award Winners Reflect on their Innocence Work with the Great North Innocence Project

At this year’s Benefit for Innocence, the Great North Innocence Project is debuting a new award, the Pro Bono Champion(s) of the Year Award, to recognize an individual pro bono volunteer or a pro bono team that have contributed significant time, expertise, resources, and passion towards investigating and litigating innocence cases in partnership with our organization.

This year, we’re honored to recognize the pro bono team representing GN-IP client Robert Kaiser with this award. Megan Christner, Alex Olson, and Sam Lockner of Carlson Caspers law firm, and Mark Bradford of Bassford Remele PA, have and continue to demonstrate their commitment to ensuring Robert Kaiser’s freedom after nearly 8 years of wrongful incarceration with passionate zeal.

We chatted with two of the awardees, Sam and Mark, to hear about their experiences as pro bono attorneys on a case whose outcome remains to be seen, but whose progress has been energizing and inspiring for all involved.

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Pro Bono Champions of the Year Celebrate Successes and Talk Hopes for Their Client

At this year’s Benefit for Innocence, the Great North Innocence Project is debuting a new award, the Pro Bono Champion(s) of the Year Award, to recognize an individual pro bono volunteer or a pro bono team that have contributed significant time, expertise, resources, and passion towards investigating and litigating innocence cases in partnership with our organization.

This year, we’re honored to recognize the pro bono team representing GN-IP client Robert Kaiser with this award. Megan Christner, Alex Olson, and Sam Lockner of Carlson Caspers, and Mark Bradford of Bassford Remele PA, have and continue to demonstrate their commitment to ensuring Robert Kaiser’s freedom after nearly 8 years of wrongful incarceration with passionate zeal.

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GN-IP visits Dakota Women's Correctional and Rehabilitation Center

In early August, GN-IP staff attorney Jim Mayer and director of communications & community outreach Hayley Drozdowski-Poxleitner traveled the eight hours to New England from Minneapolis to present about GN-IP’s services to the women at DWCRC. Adam Martin, GN-IP board member and CEO of the F5 Project, a nonprofit based out of Fargo that provides services and mentorship to formerly incarcerated people struggling with addiction recovery, joined Jim and Hayley.

Read more about what it’s like to present about GN-IP's services at a prison and the questions we heard from the audience.

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New attorney joins GN-IP legal team

GN-IP is thrilled that Anna McGinn is joining the organization’s legal team as a Bank of America Fellow. A recent graduate of the University of Notre Dame School of Law, Anna will work with GN-IP for two years and increase our capacity to investigate claims of innocence, litigate cases where an innocent person has been wrongful convicted, and conduct advocacy towards criminal legal system reform.

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Exoneree Michael Hansen Finds a Renewed Sense of Self in Tattooing

Tattoo artist and owner of Kinship Collective Tattoo in Northfield, Minnesota, Michael Hansen, spoke with GN-IP this month for National Tattoo Day where he gave us a tour of his shop and talked all things tattooing.

Mike spent nearly seven years in prison for a crime he did not commit. After being freed with the help of GN-IP, Mike accomplished a long held dream that seemed impossible after his conviction: becoming a tattoo artist. Now, he's not only achieved that, but he's opened his own shop, has supervised the apprenticeships of four aspiring tattoo artists, and built a dedicated, supportive staff of artists along the way.

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